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SoSE Final seminar 14.12.2015

Seminar Programme


12.30-13.00 Seminar opening, SoSE Director, Prof. Harri Oinas-Kukkonen

12.40-13.00 Activity by numbers, Prof. Harri Oinas-Kukkonen

13.00-13.30 Experiences during SoSE, Prof. Kai Koskimies

13.30-14.00 Coffee

14.00-15.00 Discussion: Teaching and research in Information Systems and Software Engineering now and in the future, Prof. Harri Oinas-Kukkonen

15.10-15.30 Experiences by former SoSE-student, Prof. Mika Mäntylä (University of Oulu)

15.30-15.50 Experiences by former SoSE-studen, Dr. Katarina Segerståhl (Tieto)

15.50-16.00 Closing the seminar, Prof. Harri Oinas-Kukkonen

16.00-16.30 Networking


The seminar is held at Lasipalatsi, Palmuhuone (Mannerheimintie 22-24, Helsinki) on Monday 14th December 2015

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